September 03, 2012

Water Trip

Weekend trip was decent. Our original plan to head to Florence got rained out, so we just went to Delaware skatepark and had a rad sesh that drizzled rained the entire time. Rode the new Flow setup which was pretty fun and very humid, then hit Dublin on the way home. Most clips are shaky from switching off between filming, drinking energy drinks, and riding. Despite that, I still really dig this edit. Maybe I just really like The Who, I don't know.
Oh, never give 2 underage kids a hotel room key if you aren't gonna be at the hotel, they will take every fucking moveable object in the room and barricade you from entering.

In order; Jeremy Malifsheski, Steve Tepley, Tyler Pollari, Scotty Spaid, Johnny DelBalso, Gage Sharp.

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