February 16, 2017

California Cruise

   A couple months back Justin Friedl, Mike Arra, and myself tripped out west to escape our cold climate. The game plan was relatively simple: fly into Los Angeles, rent a car, and make our way to Phoenix Arizona within 7 days as that's where our return flight would be. We wanted to have no set schedule other than exploring and riding as much as we could within our given time frame while covering as much ground as possible.
   This wasn't a filming trip and there were no expectations to adhere to. We also had no tour guide. We wanted to experience the purest form of the most blown out area in the country going by our own knowledge and know how. Of course we were excited to find and ride some very famous spots, but there was a little more satisfaction in coming across different rideable terrain ourselves, whether or not fame got to the area before us.
   Having no schedule makes for a true vacation. Each day started out with some hot tub and pool therapy. We'd agree on a basic plan for the day and go out and execute. We covered so much ground and did so many different things on and off the bikes. We surfed at Huntington Beach while doing the stingray shuffle, played tourist in Hollywood, pissed off the top of a mountain surrounded by lavish multi million dollar estates(they street park their Lamborghinis next to garbage cans at night), rode dirtbikes at Glen Helen(aka America's greatest motocross track), ate at fancy restaurants such as In-n-out, Hooters, Fatburger, and McDonald's, pet a cactus, chilled in a hot tub with a dude from Alaska(his daughter is on the swim team, and no he does not live in an igloo), drank beer out of Arizona green tea cans on a San Diego beach, ate authentic Mexican food as close to the border as we could get, drove through the desert on a horse with no name to get to Phoenix, among many more great memories.
We milked this trip and are definitely looking forward to the next. Get out and explore, it's cheap as hell with a few friends.

Ditch whip Justin
Top speed wallride in Phoenix by myself
Best find of the trip, of any trip.
Desert whip Daboza 
Justin Friedl haul ass downwhip on the steepest hill
Justin admiring his bike

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